Hi again,
After spending the night near Tartu we and team Kunnas continued the next morning to our next and for this trip last destination, Kiviõli. This track is already a classical on the GP calendar. Our plan was to spent Friday and Saturday cleaning and maintaining the bikes. If it was cold in Põlva, here in Kiviõli it was even colder with a strong wind straight from sea.
We used the vans as a wind breaker but with the evening it wasn't inviting to stay outside. When Saturday evening other teams started to arrive in the paddock we hoped all the time they would put their vans in front of us to lessen the ever strong wind. Over 50 sidecars distributed over 5 classes and 3 starts (6 actually because of the 2 heats for each class) made this event organised by the Estonian Korvikunnid club a great happening for all level of sidecar racing.
Our class, 51+, started together with the air-cooled class, mostly CZ and some Urals, for 2 heats of 12 minutes and 2 laps. In both heats we finished fourth. It was really nice to be able to drive and not having to look for the fast teams lapping at the end of the race. I missed the first start somehow and was shutting off a little to early for the first corner in the second heat and therefore we had to pass a few teams at the first half of the races. Juuso is learning but the soft suspension is a problem. I hope to get the EML ready soon.
Team Kunnas started in their own class and took in both starts hole-shot. After the race we packed the vans and drove back to Tallinn to get the evening ferry.
Trip with Google map
Knobbyhack, sidecar MX
In this blog we will tell you about the racing seasons of our sidecar team starting from 2011 . We are Stephan Koppenol and Mikael Kärkkäinen. A Dutch-Finnish father & son duo driving together since September 2005. When we started it was just for fun, having a ride at the local tracks but everything changed after 2 years. First we did enter only some Finnish races but now this will be our fourth full season with races in Finland, Estonia and Latvia.
Friday, 23 May 2014
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Back on the road again
Hello again,
I've been very quiet here with the blog and mostly because the preparations for the 2014 season have taken more time and energy than planned.
As I mentioned in an earlier post I'm riding this year with Juuso Suominen and Mikael starts riding with Marko Styrman. I bought an EML chassis from the Netherlands and we could start with building 2 sidecars.
The AYR-Husaberg from last year was ready in time but with the EML I was confronted with new challenges and needed to order many parts. The EML chassis is very different in the details and that made building the bike a slow process. On top of this all logistical problems caused we decided to start the season with the AYR and postpone the EML project.
During the first training sessions we had all kind of problems again and I had to switch and open engines too. The Husaberg engines are getting to outdated for this job. Juuso is new in the sidecar motocross scene but has been ice-racing on the lakes with his father for some years. After some training sessions it was already time for the first races. We started with an eight day trip in Latvia and Estonia together with team Kunnas.
The first race traditionally in Aizpute Latvia April 27th. Fine weather and a perfect track. We took it very easy, the suspension set up was based on last season and too soft with my new passenger Juuso. 21st position with 23 teams in the training and the 22nd and 20th positions in the heats. We made improvements during the race but ended still at the end of the pack.
After Aizpute we stayed for 3 days in Cesis to do some training sessions and visit Siep de Wit who is supervising the Cesis MX track. We also met Arnolds Silis with his father Andis who visited our camp and sat down for a cup of coffee. I was happy to see Arnolds again even there's still a long way to go. I wish their family strength in the continuing healing process. During these days we had very nice weather.
Wednesday we crossed the border and took our course to Põlva. The weather changed and it became very cold. Thursday, first of May, the weather turned miserable, rain showers and low temperatures. 19 teams and 17th position after the training session. Our start wasn't very good and we switched some positions up and down during the first half of the heat. But then I had to make a pit stop to get new goggles and after that the left handlebar grip also became loose. Last place for the trouble.
The second heat didn't go much better, a pile up at the the first jump blocked our path. When again able to continue the handlebar's left grip came off again (cold weather didn't made the glue stick) and that was it, first DNF for the 2014 season.
We were much happier later that evening when staying in our B&B after a hot shower and meal. The last part of our trip in the next post.
Results Aizpute (BV = sidecar)
Results Põlva (KV = sidecar)
I've been very quiet here with the blog and mostly because the preparations for the 2014 season have taken more time and energy than planned.
As I mentioned in an earlier post I'm riding this year with Juuso Suominen and Mikael starts riding with Marko Styrman. I bought an EML chassis from the Netherlands and we could start with building 2 sidecars.
The AYR-Husaberg from last year was ready in time but with the EML I was confronted with new challenges and needed to order many parts. The EML chassis is very different in the details and that made building the bike a slow process. On top of this all logistical problems caused we decided to start the season with the AYR and postpone the EML project.
During the first training sessions we had all kind of problems again and I had to switch and open engines too. The Husaberg engines are getting to outdated for this job. Juuso is new in the sidecar motocross scene but has been ice-racing on the lakes with his father for some years. After some training sessions it was already time for the first races. We started with an eight day trip in Latvia and Estonia together with team Kunnas.
The first race traditionally in Aizpute Latvia April 27th. Fine weather and a perfect track. We took it very easy, the suspension set up was based on last season and too soft with my new passenger Juuso. 21st position with 23 teams in the training and the 22nd and 20th positions in the heats. We made improvements during the race but ended still at the end of the pack.
After Aizpute we stayed for 3 days in Cesis to do some training sessions and visit Siep de Wit who is supervising the Cesis MX track. We also met Arnolds Silis with his father Andis who visited our camp and sat down for a cup of coffee. I was happy to see Arnolds again even there's still a long way to go. I wish their family strength in the continuing healing process. During these days we had very nice weather.
Wednesday we crossed the border and took our course to Põlva. The weather changed and it became very cold. Thursday, first of May, the weather turned miserable, rain showers and low temperatures. 19 teams and 17th position after the training session. Our start wasn't very good and we switched some positions up and down during the first half of the heat. But then I had to make a pit stop to get new goggles and after that the left handlebar grip also became loose. Last place for the trouble.
The second heat didn't go much better, a pile up at the the first jump blocked our path. When again able to continue the handlebar's left grip came off again (cold weather didn't made the glue stick) and that was it, first DNF for the 2014 season.
We were much happier later that evening when staying in our B&B after a hot shower and meal. The last part of our trip in the next post.
Results Aizpute (BV = sidecar)
Results Põlva (KV = sidecar)
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Review of the end of our 2013 season Part 2
Hi again,
we ended part 1 with the beginning of our trip to Cesis for the second race of the weekend. We traveled together with the teams of Hammarblom/Källander (Sweden) and Lindgren/Trybom (Finland/Sweden). Halfway it started to rain and, especially after crossing the Latvian border, we were confronted with very heavy rain showers making driving in the dark not an easy task.
We started already to get worried about the circumstances for the coming race. Strangely at some point, not that far from our hotel in Valmiera, the weather changed completely and we were driving over completely dry roads, no rain at all. The next morning we continued to Cesis and after a short drive entered the paddock.
This classical track had partly received a new layout and for the sidecars I prefer the old track but the solo bikes are majority and for them this suited better. 14 entries and a lazy 13th position after the training session. Nothing unusual thus.
We missed somehow the gate and found our self back in the pack. Halfway the first lap the Latvian team Vapa/Macs made a mistake and we quickly passed them without looking back.
The next team, Ivanov/Jalas from Estiona, made no mistakes and we needed 2 laps to pass them too. The Swedish team Hammarblom/Källander rode in front of us but we were never really able to pass them. With a small gap between us we did our laps. But at the last lap, only a few corners for the finish line, the Swedish team stalled their engine in a single line corner with very soft sand on the outside. Two choices, wait till they get the engine running again or go around through the deep soft sand. I decided the latter and it was very deep and soft on the outside. But just when I made the decision and steered in the deep sand the Swedish got their engine running again because they had an electric starter.
When they started driving again the best line was wide open for Vapa/Macs who had done a hard ride to get back the meters they did loose during the first lap. Without any possibility to accelerate we could do nothing but see them passing us. With only 4 corners to the finish line we tried to put them back but no change to pass anymore. I needed the 3 extra points a win in the veteran class would have given me to keep realistic changes for the championship.
But instead of narrowing the gap in points it did expand only and my changes for the veteran championship became very theoretical. Back in the paddock, already very disappointed, we noticed that the engine had lost a lot of its cooling fluid. At nearer inspection it looked like the head gasket had failed. We put the bike back in the van and watched the second heat from the side of the track. Riding back to Tallinn we were not in a very good mood.
A week later the last round for the Estonian championship in Kose, not far from Tallinn. Also here a partial new track layout and this time I liked the new part of the track. 15 entries and 14th position after the training session. The first corner of the Kose track is always a little scary because direct after it starts a wash board! During the first start a team started rolling over the ground and we needed some heavy braking to avoid them.
During the start of the 2nd heat it was our turn to study the soil in the first corner. We were sandwiched between two sidecars and the handlebar was not anymore where my hand was. We finished the heats at a 12th and 11th position. After the 2nd heat we also received a penalty for too much noise but it had no influence at our position. Riding was not bad but neither highly inspired.
Then it was time for the last races of the season, the 2nd race for the Finnish championship in Lappeenranta at Saturday and at Sunday Kegums in Latvia. During the week before the race it rained very heavily but that was only a good thing because the Lappeenranta track is one with deep, deep and soft sand.
Only 6 sidecars in Lappeenranta and we had the 4th position after the training session. With our third place in Orimattila we had the possibility to finish the championship at the 3rd spot but already during the sighting lap I noticed that clutch slipped and our race was over before it started. Back in the paddock I checked the clutch and the friction plates were just too thin. I had them replaced only recently with original parts but maybe the factory has a new subcontractor with lesser quality, very strange.
The 2nd heat we had a good battle with the former Finnish champions Laitinen/Dammert that we decided in our benefit. After the race we packed everything back in the van and drove of to Helsinki together with Lehtinen on our way to Kegums, Latvia. In Helsinki we loaded our stuff in the van of Mantila who would do the driving during the night while we would be able to sleep.
With Mantila and Lehtinen taking care for the driving we could rest and wake up in the Kegums paddock the next morning. 16 entries and we had an rare 9th position after the training session. The season was ending and we were building up steam.
We had a good start and stayed the whole heat at the 8th position. During the first laps we tried to pass a team in front of us but weren't able to push trough. The most important issue was that we ended for the first time at the first position in the veteran class. This result motivated us and we repeated it in the 2nd heat with an other first place finish. During the last laps it started to rain and I had to throw away my goggles. Our first overall win and also first in both heats. The loss of Cesis was made up for but it could have been so different.
For the regular Latvian championship we finished in both heats at the 8th position. In a good mood we drove to Sigulda and celebrated this positive result and also the end of the racing season with a good dinner before we continued to Tallinn.
After this season Mikael and I will not continue together. Mikael starts riding with his friend Marko Styrman as passenger and I'll continue with my quest for the latvian veteran championship together with Juuso Suominen. But about this later more.
we ended part 1 with the beginning of our trip to Cesis for the second race of the weekend. We traveled together with the teams of Hammarblom/Källander (Sweden) and Lindgren/Trybom (Finland/Sweden). Halfway it started to rain and, especially after crossing the Latvian border, we were confronted with very heavy rain showers making driving in the dark not an easy task.
We started already to get worried about the circumstances for the coming race. Strangely at some point, not that far from our hotel in Valmiera, the weather changed completely and we were driving over completely dry roads, no rain at all. The next morning we continued to Cesis and after a short drive entered the paddock.
This classical track had partly received a new layout and for the sidecars I prefer the old track but the solo bikes are majority and for them this suited better. 14 entries and a lazy 13th position after the training session. Nothing unusual thus.
We missed somehow the gate and found our self back in the pack. Halfway the first lap the Latvian team Vapa/Macs made a mistake and we quickly passed them without looking back.
The next team, Ivanov/Jalas from Estiona, made no mistakes and we needed 2 laps to pass them too. The Swedish team Hammarblom/Källander rode in front of us but we were never really able to pass them. With a small gap between us we did our laps. But at the last lap, only a few corners for the finish line, the Swedish team stalled their engine in a single line corner with very soft sand on the outside. Two choices, wait till they get the engine running again or go around through the deep soft sand. I decided the latter and it was very deep and soft on the outside. But just when I made the decision and steered in the deep sand the Swedish got their engine running again because they had an electric starter.
When they started driving again the best line was wide open for Vapa/Macs who had done a hard ride to get back the meters they did loose during the first lap. Without any possibility to accelerate we could do nothing but see them passing us. With only 4 corners to the finish line we tried to put them back but no change to pass anymore. I needed the 3 extra points a win in the veteran class would have given me to keep realistic changes for the championship.
But instead of narrowing the gap in points it did expand only and my changes for the veteran championship became very theoretical. Back in the paddock, already very disappointed, we noticed that the engine had lost a lot of its cooling fluid. At nearer inspection it looked like the head gasket had failed. We put the bike back in the van and watched the second heat from the side of the track. Riding back to Tallinn we were not in a very good mood.
A week later the last round for the Estonian championship in Kose, not far from Tallinn. Also here a partial new track layout and this time I liked the new part of the track. 15 entries and 14th position after the training session. The first corner of the Kose track is always a little scary because direct after it starts a wash board! During the first start a team started rolling over the ground and we needed some heavy braking to avoid them.
During the start of the 2nd heat it was our turn to study the soil in the first corner. We were sandwiched between two sidecars and the handlebar was not anymore where my hand was. We finished the heats at a 12th and 11th position. After the 2nd heat we also received a penalty for too much noise but it had no influence at our position. Riding was not bad but neither highly inspired.
Then it was time for the last races of the season, the 2nd race for the Finnish championship in Lappeenranta at Saturday and at Sunday Kegums in Latvia. During the week before the race it rained very heavily but that was only a good thing because the Lappeenranta track is one with deep, deep and soft sand.
Only 6 sidecars in Lappeenranta and we had the 4th position after the training session. With our third place in Orimattila we had the possibility to finish the championship at the 3rd spot but already during the sighting lap I noticed that clutch slipped and our race was over before it started. Back in the paddock I checked the clutch and the friction plates were just too thin. I had them replaced only recently with original parts but maybe the factory has a new subcontractor with lesser quality, very strange.
The 2nd heat we had a good battle with the former Finnish champions Laitinen/Dammert that we decided in our benefit. After the race we packed everything back in the van and drove of to Helsinki together with Lehtinen on our way to Kegums, Latvia. In Helsinki we loaded our stuff in the van of Mantila who would do the driving during the night while we would be able to sleep.
With Mantila and Lehtinen taking care for the driving we could rest and wake up in the Kegums paddock the next morning. 16 entries and we had an rare 9th position after the training session. The season was ending and we were building up steam.
We had a good start and stayed the whole heat at the 8th position. During the first laps we tried to pass a team in front of us but weren't able to push trough. The most important issue was that we ended for the first time at the first position in the veteran class. This result motivated us and we repeated it in the 2nd heat with an other first place finish. During the last laps it started to rain and I had to throw away my goggles. Our first overall win and also first in both heats. The loss of Cesis was made up for but it could have been so different.
For the regular Latvian championship we finished in both heats at the 8th position. In a good mood we drove to Sigulda and celebrated this positive result and also the end of the racing season with a good dinner before we continued to Tallinn.
After this season Mikael and I will not continue together. Mikael starts riding with his friend Marko Styrman as passenger and I'll continue with my quest for the latvian veteran championship together with Juuso Suominen. But about this later more.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Review of the end of our 2013 season Part 1
Hi all,
I haven't updated this blog for some months, busy with work and from postponing it got later and later. Time flies as they say.
But we didn't disappear or stopped, on the contrary, we had a rather good finishing of the season actually as you can see in the picture below ;-)
The last race of this season, Kegums Latvia, we ended at the highest spot on the podium, 2 heat wins. And we didn't start partying after that and was the reason for not updating our blog that long.
In part 1 I'll look back at our races in August and in part 2 the races in September.
The weekend of 3-4 August was held the first sidecar GP of the Baltic in Kiviöli, Estonia. This time we participated in the 53+ veteran class. Mikael and the side car arrived with the truck of the Kunnas family and I came with Ria straight from a holiday trip in Lithuania. With a training sessions at Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning we had good time to ride the same track as the GP teams but only a "little bit" slower. Our only heat found place between the 2 GP heats.
We had a good start, third, but half way Aldis Vapa/Andris Macs passed us and I wasn't able to change our position back again. Fourth place at the finish line. Maybe too much holiday the last days.
A week later it was time for the second Baltic GP, Kegums in Latvia. Also this weekend races for the veteran class in the program. We traveled with Riku Kunnas and their truck. Our first training session was planned Saturday afternoon and then it started to rain.
We had a good time, very rare for me but this time it worked out very well. But the rain didn't stop after our practice session and only intensified more and more.
The Husaberg's clutch was defect and I replaced the disks, in spite of the rain the barbecue was fired up under the awning and I went for a shower. When coming back the paddock started to look more and more like a lake. It rained continuously and we started to get worried about track conditions for the morrow. The next morning the sun showed itself and the weather changed for the better luckily. But the track was very soft and the organization made the only correct decision to cancel all the training sessions for the morning.
At noon the program was adapted and instead of the 2 planned heats for the veteran classes we would do only one combined heat between the GP heats. Again a good start, third, but during the race we lost a few places.
Luckily most of the teams that passed us participated in the other group and we still finished third in our 53+ group. Both races, Kiviöli and Kegums, counted for an overall result and we ended as third on the podium.
All together 2 very nice weekends spend watching the big guns riding their GP heats and able to do some racing of our own without any pressure for points, just fun. At both events other teams from Finland participated in the different classes. Good atmosphere in spite of the rain.
Our next race was planned in Iisalmi August 17th but canceled due to low participation. That made Orimattila the first race for the Finnish championship August 31st. A very late start of the Finnish season this time.
The Orimattila track is one of my favorite places to ride and when the mood is good miracles can still happen ;-). During practice we ended up with the sixth position but only a small difference with number 5. When the season nears it's end my driving gets better and with a favorite track I was in a good mood.
We had a good start and I pushed forward halfway the first lap by passing quickly an other team. After that we got a good rhythm and it was clockwork time. The team of Lehtinen/Hietala followed a few seconds behind but we never gave them even a possible change. The fourth position was our reward.
The second heat was a repetition of heat one. This time the Swedish team Hammarblom/Källander pushed behind us but we never looked back and again we found our rhythm. For the second time that day we ended at the fourth position, 3rd overall that day. We had to leave quickly for our next race in Cesis, Latvia, and get the ferry to Tallinn.
In part 2 more about this trip.
Results Orimattila Mylaps: http://www.mylaps.com/en/events/948505
I haven't updated this blog for some months, busy with work and from postponing it got later and later. Time flies as they say.
But we didn't disappear or stopped, on the contrary, we had a rather good finishing of the season actually as you can see in the picture below ;-)
The last race of this season, Kegums Latvia, we ended at the highest spot on the podium, 2 heat wins. And we didn't start partying after that and was the reason for not updating our blog that long.
In part 1 I'll look back at our races in August and in part 2 the races in September.
The weekend of 3-4 August was held the first sidecar GP of the Baltic in Kiviöli, Estonia. This time we participated in the 53+ veteran class. Mikael and the side car arrived with the truck of the Kunnas family and I came with Ria straight from a holiday trip in Lithuania. With a training sessions at Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning we had good time to ride the same track as the GP teams but only a "little bit" slower. Our only heat found place between the 2 GP heats.
We had a good start, third, but half way Aldis Vapa/Andris Macs passed us and I wasn't able to change our position back again. Fourth place at the finish line. Maybe too much holiday the last days.
A week later it was time for the second Baltic GP, Kegums in Latvia. Also this weekend races for the veteran class in the program. We traveled with Riku Kunnas and their truck. Our first training session was planned Saturday afternoon and then it started to rain.
We had a good time, very rare for me but this time it worked out very well. But the rain didn't stop after our practice session and only intensified more and more.
The Husaberg's clutch was defect and I replaced the disks, in spite of the rain the barbecue was fired up under the awning and I went for a shower. When coming back the paddock started to look more and more like a lake. It rained continuously and we started to get worried about track conditions for the morrow. The next morning the sun showed itself and the weather changed for the better luckily. But the track was very soft and the organization made the only correct decision to cancel all the training sessions for the morning.
At noon the program was adapted and instead of the 2 planned heats for the veteran classes we would do only one combined heat between the GP heats. Again a good start, third, but during the race we lost a few places.
Luckily most of the teams that passed us participated in the other group and we still finished third in our 53+ group. Both races, Kiviöli and Kegums, counted for an overall result and we ended as third on the podium.
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All together 2 very nice weekends spend watching the big guns riding their GP heats and able to do some racing of our own without any pressure for points, just fun. At both events other teams from Finland participated in the different classes. Good atmosphere in spite of the rain.
Our next race was planned in Iisalmi August 17th but canceled due to low participation. That made Orimattila the first race for the Finnish championship August 31st. A very late start of the Finnish season this time.
The Orimattila track is one of my favorite places to ride and when the mood is good miracles can still happen ;-). During practice we ended up with the sixth position but only a small difference with number 5. When the season nears it's end my driving gets better and with a favorite track I was in a good mood.
We had a good start and I pushed forward halfway the first lap by passing quickly an other team. After that we got a good rhythm and it was clockwork time. The team of Lehtinen/Hietala followed a few seconds behind but we never gave them even a possible change. The fourth position was our reward.
The second heat was a repetition of heat one. This time the Swedish team Hammarblom/Källander pushed behind us but we never looked back and again we found our rhythm. For the second time that day we ended at the fourth position, 3rd overall that day. We had to leave quickly for our next race in Cesis, Latvia, and get the ferry to Tallinn.
In part 2 more about this trip.
Results Orimattila Mylaps: http://www.mylaps.com/en/events/948505
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Vilaka, Latvia 14.7.2013
Hello all,
with only one race in June and one in July there hasn't been much to write about except for training sessions every week. The last 2 weeks I've been training with Arto Mantila because Mikael wasn't available for this race. This would be my first race with a different passenger and we prepared for this with several training sessions during the weeks before Vilaka.
As usual we started our trip to Latvia with the afternoon ferry to Tallinn. We took a small detour to have dinner in Smiltene at the Park Hotel Bruzis's restaurant, good food and nice surroundings. It's not only motocross that counts ;-). With a full belly we continued to Balvi where we met the team of Lauri Lehtinen and Mika Hietala. We stayed all at the same hotel and had a nice evening together with a beer on the terrace.
The next morning we drove the last part to the Vilaka track. This track is a classical in the Latvian motocross history and one of the best. Very wide and many steep climbs and descents combined with a very good track design makes it a pleasure to ride there.
23 sidecar teams had arrived including a third team from Finland, Topi Tala and Jussi Veräväinen. We had the 19th time during practice and it took me 5 laps to get there. I need always too much time to get used to a new track.
The start of the 1st heat wasn't my best and maybe good so because Lehtinen/Hietala who started next to us, crashed heavily at the end of the straight and we could avoid them and their tumbling sidecar. Heavily bruised the race was unfortunately over for them that weekend. We gambled at a jam in a tight corner just between a descent and a climb and took the longer softer outside line. This time everyone went trough smoothly and we did loose a few places instead of gaining a few. We started the first laps with passing 2 teams but then weren't able to pass the next team. The efforts of all this probing and hammering combined with the hot weather took it's toll and we did loose a position. Almost two actually but this team was also not too fresh any more and made a small error that saved our position. 18th at the finish and a 3rd for the veteran's standings.
During the exploration round for the second heat it started to rain and halfway we were already completely soaked. Water was running down from the hill and the lower parts of the track filled up with large pools. Our start wasn't good again and with a dogged approach we made our laps. Only 12 teams reached the finish line and a 10th spot was our reward for all the mud and trouble. In the veteran's standings it was even good for a second overall. Tala/Veräväinen didn't see the finish due to technical problems.
Back at the van I had my boots full with water and the riding gear and the sidecar were just lumps of red Latvian clay. It took me 2 hours to wash the bike later this week. With Lehtinen/Hietala we drove via Aluksne, were we had dinner, to Tartu in Estonia were we stayed for the night. Monday afternoon the ferry back to Helsinki again.
Best regards,
Results Mylaps (BV = sidecars)
Trip Google Maps
with only one race in June and one in July there hasn't been much to write about except for training sessions every week. The last 2 weeks I've been training with Arto Mantila because Mikael wasn't available for this race. This would be my first race with a different passenger and we prepared for this with several training sessions during the weeks before Vilaka.
As usual we started our trip to Latvia with the afternoon ferry to Tallinn. We took a small detour to have dinner in Smiltene at the Park Hotel Bruzis's restaurant, good food and nice surroundings. It's not only motocross that counts ;-). With a full belly we continued to Balvi where we met the team of Lauri Lehtinen and Mika Hietala. We stayed all at the same hotel and had a nice evening together with a beer on the terrace.
The next morning we drove the last part to the Vilaka track. This track is a classical in the Latvian motocross history and one of the best. Very wide and many steep climbs and descents combined with a very good track design makes it a pleasure to ride there.
23 sidecar teams had arrived including a third team from Finland, Topi Tala and Jussi Veräväinen. We had the 19th time during practice and it took me 5 laps to get there. I need always too much time to get used to a new track.
The start of the 1st heat wasn't my best and maybe good so because Lehtinen/Hietala who started next to us, crashed heavily at the end of the straight and we could avoid them and their tumbling sidecar. Heavily bruised the race was unfortunately over for them that weekend. We gambled at a jam in a tight corner just between a descent and a climb and took the longer softer outside line. This time everyone went trough smoothly and we did loose a few places instead of gaining a few. We started the first laps with passing 2 teams but then weren't able to pass the next team. The efforts of all this probing and hammering combined with the hot weather took it's toll and we did loose a position. Almost two actually but this team was also not too fresh any more and made a small error that saved our position. 18th at the finish and a 3rd for the veteran's standings.
During the exploration round for the second heat it started to rain and halfway we were already completely soaked. Water was running down from the hill and the lower parts of the track filled up with large pools. Our start wasn't good again and with a dogged approach we made our laps. Only 12 teams reached the finish line and a 10th spot was our reward for all the mud and trouble. In the veteran's standings it was even good for a second overall. Tala/Veräväinen didn't see the finish due to technical problems.
Back at the van I had my boots full with water and the riding gear and the sidecar were just lumps of red Latvian clay. It took me 2 hours to wash the bike later this week. With Lehtinen/Hietala we drove via Aluksne, were we had dinner, to Tartu in Estonia were we stayed for the night. Monday afternoon the ferry back to Helsinki again.
Best regards,
Results Mylaps (BV = sidecars)
Trip Google Maps
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Stelpe, Latvia 9.6.2013
this month only one race and that's Stelpe, Latvia. Saturday afternoon with the ferry to Tallinn again and after our routine stop for stuffed pancakes we continued to our hotel for the evening. In Latvia it seems that all the weddings find place during the Summer months and we had to find this time a new location because other hotels nearer to Stelpe were fully booked. After sidecar racing I can start a tour guide for Estonian and Latvian hotels and restaurants ;-).
Also in this hotel a wedding party going on but still rooms available for travellers. We had a standard room with a whirlpool bath, I wonder how the premium room looks.
In the time training I surprised myself with a good lap time. With 19 entries we had the 15th spot. We are using our own rear shock again after training sessions the weeks before. With some adjustments the shock feels very good now.
For the start of the 1st heat we had the last front row position behind the gate, far to the outside. But our start wasn't bad and we held the 14th position after lap one. But only half way 2 teams passed us and we finished at the 17th position. Riding was good, especially at the first half of the heat, but I wasn't able to push till the finish line at the same tempo.
For the start of the 2nd heat we had a place at the inside behind the gate. Our start was even better this time and we held the 8th position after the first lap. We did lose some positions lap by lap as was to be expected but riding was going very good. At the end 14th position and for the veteran class third overall.
We drove back straight to Tallinn and only stopped for dinner. The next day back to Helsinki with the ferry.
Link for Mylaps (BV = sidecar): http://www.mylaps.com/en/events/910381
Link for our route: http://goo.gl/maps/NVCld
this month only one race and that's Stelpe, Latvia. Saturday afternoon with the ferry to Tallinn again and after our routine stop for stuffed pancakes we continued to our hotel for the evening. In Latvia it seems that all the weddings find place during the Summer months and we had to find this time a new location because other hotels nearer to Stelpe were fully booked. After sidecar racing I can start a tour guide for Estonian and Latvian hotels and restaurants ;-).
Also in this hotel a wedding party going on but still rooms available for travellers. We had a standard room with a whirlpool bath, I wonder how the premium room looks.
In the time training I surprised myself with a good lap time. With 19 entries we had the 15th spot. We are using our own rear shock again after training sessions the weeks before. With some adjustments the shock feels very good now.
For the start of the 1st heat we had the last front row position behind the gate, far to the outside. But our start wasn't bad and we held the 14th position after lap one. But only half way 2 teams passed us and we finished at the 17th position. Riding was good, especially at the first half of the heat, but I wasn't able to push till the finish line at the same tempo.
For the start of the 2nd heat we had a place at the inside behind the gate. Our start was even better this time and we held the 8th position after the first lap. We did lose some positions lap by lap as was to be expected but riding was going very good. At the end 14th position and for the veteran class third overall.
We drove back straight to Tallinn and only stopped for dinner. The next day back to Helsinki with the ferry.
Link for Mylaps (BV = sidecar): http://www.mylaps.com/en/events/910381
Link for our route: http://goo.gl/maps/NVCld
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Türi, Estonia and Ape, Latvia 18-19.5.2013
Hello again,
a double race weekend with at Saturday already the third round for the Estonian championship in Türi. With Panu joining us for this trip we took the Friday evening ferry to Tallinn and stayed for the night in an holiday resort in Aegviidu. The next morning only a short ride to the Kihli motocross track near Türi.
Already during practice we noticed that the modifications of the rear shock didn't work out as expected and after practice we borrowed again a rear shock from Lehtinen/Hietala. It's not easy to get the correct settings, we have the idea but the realization of it is an other thing.
Only 15 teams entered this event and with the rear shock not in order we ended up at the last position.
The weather had changed dramatically and it looked like we got compensated for the long winter with temperatures about 28 degrees Celsius. Nice for a barbecue but in my opinion absolutely not suited for sidecar motocross.
At the start of the first heat we had the last pick at the gate and that means outer most with the longest distance to the first corner. When also a team almost crashed in front of us we ended up in the back of the pack. We were not able to keep in contact with the other teams and drove our own laps at the last position till the finish.
Heat number 2 was mostly a copy of race 1. The other teams were faster and we couldn't really keep up with them. The track was rough with sharp holes and edges and in combination with the hot weather not easy for me. But we finished both heats and got our points for the trouble of it.
After the race and the sidecar cleaned we travelled together with team Lehtinen/Hietala via Viljandi, where we had dinner, to Antsla near the Latvian border for the night. During the trip it we had heavy rain showers and thunder. I would have liked a rain shower during the day to cool things down a little!
The next morning we arrived in Ape with one of the most beautiful but also technical track of the series. Situated on a ridge many long climbs and steep down hills in combination with a soft compound. Not much room for mistakes.
18 teams arrived and we noticed that many teams had skipped Türi and showed up here in Ape. Of the veteran class we were the only team that had participated in Türi. And it was hot again, this time even 32 degrees Celsius. After practice we had the 14th position. Things looked a little better than the day before. For Lehtinen/Hietala practice ended with a blocking engine after some laps and they had to call it a day.
We had the outer most position at the gate but still managed to grab many places during the first corners. About 7th position after the first turns and then the faster teams started to pass. If a race was only 2-3 corners long...
The toll for racing a second day in this hot weather started to burden me, 14th position at the finish.
For the second heat our start was not as good and we found ourselves back at the tail. Already during the first lap I started to wonder about the behaviour of our sidecar. It was difficult to keep in line and I had many looks at Mikael if he was still there where he should be. Riding was a struggle and we couldn't do much more than finish the race. Back at the paddock the problem became clear, the sidecar's tire had a puncture and was flat as a pancake. Mikael had felled how the sidecar wheel had collided with a large stone half buried in the track halfway the first lap. Probably that had caused the puncture.
The good thing is that we finished again and didn't even get stuck at one of the climbs ;-). After 10 heats in 5 races we also have 10 results. Only the gap between us and the nearest competitors should be closed.
After the finish we packed everything quickly and drove to Riga's airport to drop Mikael for his flight back to Helsinki. There was an electrical problem with the van's temperature sensor and with reduced engine power Panu and I returned the next day to Tallinn. We had a stop in Pärnu for lunch and playing tourists for a few hours.
Trip Google maps: http://goo.gl/maps/LOAEd
Results Tûri (kv = sidecars): http://www.mylaps.com/en/events/898918
Results Ape (bv = sidecars): http://www.mylaps.com/en/events/899495
a double race weekend with at Saturday already the third round for the Estonian championship in Türi. With Panu joining us for this trip we took the Friday evening ferry to Tallinn and stayed for the night in an holiday resort in Aegviidu. The next morning only a short ride to the Kihli motocross track near Türi.
Already during practice we noticed that the modifications of the rear shock didn't work out as expected and after practice we borrowed again a rear shock from Lehtinen/Hietala. It's not easy to get the correct settings, we have the idea but the realization of it is an other thing.
Only 15 teams entered this event and with the rear shock not in order we ended up at the last position.
The weather had changed dramatically and it looked like we got compensated for the long winter with temperatures about 28 degrees Celsius. Nice for a barbecue but in my opinion absolutely not suited for sidecar motocross.
At the start of the first heat we had the last pick at the gate and that means outer most with the longest distance to the first corner. When also a team almost crashed in front of us we ended up in the back of the pack. We were not able to keep in contact with the other teams and drove our own laps at the last position till the finish.
Heat number 2 was mostly a copy of race 1. The other teams were faster and we couldn't really keep up with them. The track was rough with sharp holes and edges and in combination with the hot weather not easy for me. But we finished both heats and got our points for the trouble of it.
After the race and the sidecar cleaned we travelled together with team Lehtinen/Hietala via Viljandi, where we had dinner, to Antsla near the Latvian border for the night. During the trip it we had heavy rain showers and thunder. I would have liked a rain shower during the day to cool things down a little!
The next morning we arrived in Ape with one of the most beautiful but also technical track of the series. Situated on a ridge many long climbs and steep down hills in combination with a soft compound. Not much room for mistakes.
18 teams arrived and we noticed that many teams had skipped Türi and showed up here in Ape. Of the veteran class we were the only team that had participated in Türi. And it was hot again, this time even 32 degrees Celsius. After practice we had the 14th position. Things looked a little better than the day before. For Lehtinen/Hietala practice ended with a blocking engine after some laps and they had to call it a day.
We had the outer most position at the gate but still managed to grab many places during the first corners. About 7th position after the first turns and then the faster teams started to pass. If a race was only 2-3 corners long...
The toll for racing a second day in this hot weather started to burden me, 14th position at the finish.
For the second heat our start was not as good and we found ourselves back at the tail. Already during the first lap I started to wonder about the behaviour of our sidecar. It was difficult to keep in line and I had many looks at Mikael if he was still there where he should be. Riding was a struggle and we couldn't do much more than finish the race. Back at the paddock the problem became clear, the sidecar's tire had a puncture and was flat as a pancake. Mikael had felled how the sidecar wheel had collided with a large stone half buried in the track halfway the first lap. Probably that had caused the puncture.
The good thing is that we finished again and didn't even get stuck at one of the climbs ;-). After 10 heats in 5 races we also have 10 results. Only the gap between us and the nearest competitors should be closed.
After the finish we packed everything quickly and drove to Riga's airport to drop Mikael for his flight back to Helsinki. There was an electrical problem with the van's temperature sensor and with reduced engine power Panu and I returned the next day to Tallinn. We had a stop in Pärnu for lunch and playing tourists for a few hours.
Trip Google maps: http://goo.gl/maps/LOAEd
Results Tûri (kv = sidecars): http://www.mylaps.com/en/events/898918
Results Ape (bv = sidecars): http://www.mylaps.com/en/events/899495
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