Tuesday 2 August 2011

Toila, Pühajõe, last race for the Estonian Cup, 31.07


this was already the last event of the six races for the Estonian Cup 2011. We did miss one race, Laitse, because of overlapping events in Finland. At Saturday, waiting for the ferry, we heard over the radio that very heavy rain showers over Tallinn made traffic very difficult. After some phone calls we heard that the situation was better in Eastern Estonia and decided to go on board. Arriving in Tallinn it was raining as expected but when driving in the direction of Toila the weather was getting slightly better. We had a room in a hotel in Jõhvi, only 10 minutes from the track.

We went for a look at the track and it wasn't a very promising view. Mud in all colors you can think. The track was clay and grass based situated around a small valley. When dry probably very interesting but now it looked horrible with those muddy up- and downhills.

The next morning the sun started to show and made an effort to dry the track. During the training session it was unbelievable slippery in the corners. Our front tire was covered with a layer of clay and no knobby to show, like a road racing tire. We went once on our side in the mud to give the shirts a new design. Not a good time for us. From 17 teams 16th (and that only because one team's transponder didn't work).

The track started to dry up and when it was time for our first heat only a few places were still muddy but it was much better, read easier, to ride. Second row start and we could squeeze via the inside line to a better position. At the beginning of lap 2 the Husaberg engine stalled once again when coming out of  a corner. We could restart and begin to save what we could. Some other teams had to face their own troubles and we ended as we started, twelfth.

The second heat we started from the first row but at the out side line, no chance. It was a chaotic race with many teams confronted with problems. We were at the 13th position after lap one and at some moment 11th to finish 12th. Halfway we were trying to make a pass at a team in front of us but they got stuck in front of us at an uphill. Nothing else than rolling back downwards and retry the climb. We passed the other team this way but it was a little comic to do it that slowly (in lap times).

We finished both heats at the 12th place for 12th overall and in the final standings for the Cup... 12th. After washing the bike we drove to Aegviidu what starts to be our standard basic camp for our trips in Estonia. The next day the ferry back to Helsinki and direct to the workshop to swap the engine. This week some testing and Friday we start for the Latvian GP in Kegums.


Results Toila, Pühajõe 31.07 (kv=sidecars)
Trip 30.07-01.08
Pictures from Toila, Pühajõe 1
Pictures from Toila, Pühajõe 2

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