Sunday 8 July 2012

Training sessions and changes

Hi again,

when I've started to update I'll be updating the blog till it's current again. After we found out that the old settings didn't work either we needed to do something more drastic. A friend who had been involved with a lot of development work told me that when small changes, as is the normal procedure, do not give improvements you must do sometimes something very radical and change a lot of things to start from a very different new situation

And that's what I did at the end, installed the stiffer springs, fixed the rebound damping, turned the steering axle for less caster, turned the bar mounts and adjusted the bar in a different angle. This was giving a more rigid front end and a different position for my hands.

But when I wanted to test this all it was Midsummer in Finland and that's almost holy with many tracks closed and a passenger who had other plans with friends and sister at some summer cottage. Nothing else to do then watching the MX1 and MX2 races via the Internet TV.

The next weekend Mikael got ill and Raahe was getting nearer. I needed a passenger to test at least if the new set up would work and called an old friend Jukka Hasari with who I had raced 16 or 17 years ago one season when I tried side car motocross for the first time. I phoned him when he was just coming home from a Classic side car race he is competing nowadays besides helping Aronen/Mantila. But he still had some energy left to transfer his riding gear to Jani's van and I could test my settings at the Vantaa track the next day.

The hack had changed dramatically in a very positive way, easy to steer, stable and no pain in my hands. A miracle but all these changes together did the magic I needed. Wednesday Mikael was okay again and we went together to a track located in Siuntio for more testing. I did also minor changes to the carburettor settings and everything felt good.

Technically we were ready to (re)start the season!


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