Tuesday 3 April 2012

Finnish Spring II

Hi all,

the first laps of 2012 are reality! We were last Saturday and Sunday at the Vantaa track riding for the first time this year. It was very cold and at some places the track was still frozen.

It felt like we've never ridden the hack before. How is it possible that after the long Winter everything seems to be forgotten?

As usual with a maiden-trip we had our technical problems too. I had to fix an incorrect position of the carburetor’s return spring and the head gasket was leaking. At the end a cooling tube got punctured and that was Saturday's result.

We went back to the workshop and took the cylinder head of. Because this engine has a copper gasket we could reuse it after glowing it with a torch.
Only no matches and again a trip to a gas station.

Sunday we were back on the track and now our riding was going much better. Only the head gasket was still leaking. 4 laps and then back in the paddock to let the engine cool down and refill the cooling system.

And Monday? Well, look at the pictures of the trip to my work that morning. For now we have time again to work at the bike for a while.


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