Wednesday 25 April 2012

New shirts and sticker set


it's some time ago that I've updated our blog but better late than never. Because we have some new names from companies supporting us for the new season, it was time to order new shirts and stickers. The start number will be as last year, # 155, and the basic layout we also kept the same.

Crescom (Server Hosting) merged with Cygate (Network Services) and we are very happy that Cygate  continues with supporting us. A new logo of course and a different shade of yellow fitting to the Cygate logo.
Other new names are Multicom (Storage and Backup Solutions) who jumped on board with us and Laakeri-Center, a bearing company and not difficult to see the picture ;-).

Soon more!

1 comment:


    Tuolta löytyy jatkossa aina mun kuvia kisoista. :-)
