Sunday 7 October 2012

Changes for 2013

Hello all,

already before the last race of this season we started with planning for the next season. Mikael has started training sessions with Joonas Saloniemi who was racing until 2 years ago with his brother. Joonas finished his house building project and wanted to pick up racing again. He purchased a VMC-Zabel and was looking for a new passenger because his brother switched to the GP-series.

For Mikael this is a great opportunity to get to an higher level of racing than to continue with me in the back of the pack. For this moment he's adapting to the differences this transfer entails. Not only Joonas is driving faster but also the brutal character of the large two-stroke Zabel engine demands a different way of acting as a passenger. He's inspired and the change makes him motivated for the job.

In the meantime I'm not lying on the coach either. With Mikael's old school friend Markko Styrmann I've found replacement. Markko has tried last year some laps already and was interested to step in Mikael's place. We've started our training sessions too and in the beginning it's always hard for a new passenger. But Markko made quickly progress and we did more laps already than I expected.

I hope the arrival of the Winter will wait for some time so we will be able to get as many laps as possible behind our wheels. Both teams will need this. I'll continue with the same hack for now and I'm planning to get spiked tires to continue training sessions during the Winter.


1 comment:

  1. Kuvat lauantailta löytyy täältä:

    Laitan ne kuvat itse kärrystä sähköpostilla.
