Sunday 7 October 2012

Results of our season 2012

Hi again,

this wasn't a season to be proud of, our results are not what we expected. Last year we participated at 22 races and had only at the first races some minor problems like flat tires. This year technical problems started already during the training sessions before the first races; I had to rebuild the engine 3 times in 3 weeks time. And as a reward the engine failed again at the first race.
When I finished our new larger engine the carburettor didn't fit anymore and the hack was shipped to the AYR workshop for modifications.

Then the problems with the van started; hydraulic pump, belts and spanner, water hoses and at least the water pump. Now I can say I've some experience with fixing Ford Transits. At least we got the hack back from Estonia and we finished it quickly to make it to the next event.

With the settings from suspension and carburettor we were way of and it took some additional weeks to sort them all out. Only a few races during the Summer months and most of the time we were riding training sessions. When everything was getting better it was to late to sign up for the Baltic GP's. With so many races missed I thought to compensate and get more time racing. After the Summer only 5 races left and even then we had to cancel one.

We planned for 14 races and optionally the 2 Baltic GP's but did participate only 9 times. A huge difference with the 2011 season. At the end the bike was better than the crew, that's the only positive thing. For next year there will be changes but these in a different post later. Here are the final results from our season 2012:

Finnish championship 4th
Estonian championship 22nd
Latvian championship 32nd
Latvian Veterans championship 7th


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